TLIU Profiling Database
Local companies interested in participating in the TLIU programme and in being considered for shortlisting with buyers, are required to have completed and regularly updated profiling information.
The TLIU catalogues South African industrial suppliers with their products and capabilities on a web-accessible management information system; the company information and data are treated with utmost confidentiality. In line with our mandate to link local manufacturers to buyers, we regularly receive requests from local as well as international buyers to identify suitable and capable suppliers and for this activity our database is our primary source.
The TLIU profiling tool is a prerequisite step for local subcontractors to qualify for any services including benchmarking and supplier development assistance offered by the TLIU. The completion of the profiling form enhances the companies' visibility in the market, which consequently leads to an increased probability to participate in the buyers' supply-chains.
The profiling database is promoted to potential buyers including other suppliers, local and international contractors, and SOCs, as well as interested foreign buyers.
Complementary to company searches through the TLIU Profile Database, the TLIU regularly conducts capability surveys for specific components requested by buyers.
We urge all South African manufacturers to complete the profiling form and respond to those capability surveys as we only refer companies to buyers and consider companies for which we have sufficiently detailed information about their products and capabilities available.